In-App Messages and the Web SDK

What are the Requirements for Sending In-App Messaging?

Let's make sure you check all of the boxes.

  • Are you using our Web SDK?
  • Is the Web SDK snippet being initialized on every webpage you want to send messages to?
  • Are you sending any identify calls via the Web SDK?
  • Are you tracking page views with the Web SDK?

If you've already connected this website to your workspace, and have identified yourself, then we have you covered on the Web SDK side and you can move on to the following section to test your In-App Messages! 🎉

Learning by Example

To be continued... 😊


I want to send In-App Messages, which identifier should I be targeting?

In single-identifier (id only) workspaces, use {{ }}

If your workspace is a single-identifier workspace, your target audience should always be {{ }}. However, if you happen to be setting the id and the email to the same value, then you can get away with using {{ }}, but we would never recommend that since {{ }} would not be an identifier.

In multi-identifier workspaces (id and email), you will still likely be using {{ }} as your target audience.

What really matters is how your developers are calling the identify function. Whichever way they are identifying the profile, the identifier value you use for in-app messages is only one value. So it will either be {{}} or {{ }}. It can never be both.