Identifying Profiles

What's My Identifier?

If you're looking at an anonymous identifier, that means we're only capturing anonymous events and page view data. If in the future you are identified, then we'll merge the activity of this anonymous id from the past 30 days.

If you are already identified, that means all events and page view data are actively being attributed to your browsing session on this website. Want to change your identifier? Try the form below...

Identify a Profile

This data will be used to send an identify call to your workspace.



Examples of identify calls

Below we'll showcase four identify calls and what the result will look like in your workspace.

To be continued...


Can I just use the email property?

No, the identify call will not work without the id property filled in.

If your workspace is a multi-identifier workspace, you can send an email address in the id property and will know that you want to assign the email address to the email profile attribute value.